Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sneak Attack...Day 2

Yes, so you may be thinking, "Ah, ant bites! How bad can it be?" Sure, you are not alone. I've had my share of mosquito, spider, ant bites, etc. Though I must mention that I seem to be the target for all of them. There could be several people in a room and I will be the one covered in welts.

Ok, so that being said, I went to sleep last night, thinking "Ok, these bites itch but not a big deal." Then I woke up in the middle of the night, itching both feet like a mad woman. Even then, I thought it was just a maddening, wake-you-up-out-of-a-dead-sleep itch, only to wake up to two very swollen feet. Again, downplaying the situation, I try to spring out of bed. As my feet hit the ground, I find I can't bend my toes to actually walk. Instead, I waddle on my heels to the kitchen for my morning coffee...maybe that will help. Just need a distraction. Caffeine should do it.

I truly was the elephant in the room, C couldn't help staring at my two feet. "You have to DO something." "No, no, I'm fine. It will go away soon." But hours later, I noticed shortness of breath. "Surely, it will improve," I thought stubbornly. Nope. It's almost 5pm now.

C now is insisting I see a doctor. Even so, I'm still dragging my two swollen feet, "I'm F-IIIII-N-E!" Don't wish you could see your behavior from another's perspective? Ok, ok, I get it. I'll go. Fortunately, as we arrive to ER, there isn't a wait. If there was, I might be out the door again. A doctor introduces himself and C helps translate. Soon I'm escorted behind a nearby curtain. The doctor checks my breathing and quietly vanishes behind the curtain. A gruff nurse takes my blood pressure, yanking my arm to the right and left. She grunts and disappears. I wait. Not sure what else needs to be done. Can I just have the meds please?

Another nurse appears and points to the bed, mumbling something. C explains I need to lay down. Next thing, the nurse pulls out a huge needle. C has now vanished behind the curtain. COME ON! What is so special back there, people? Can we just finish this? Without explanation, she pinches my backside. Ok, phew, it's just a prick. Oh, oh, NO, wait!! ERRRGGHHH! There it is! The entire needle is now in my backside. Wonderful! I'm pretty sure this nurse just disappeared behind "the curtain" unannounced too, while leaving the needle in me.

Ah, finally, needle is out! Now I can disappear behind the curtain, like everyone else, and slip out the door, prescription in hand. Now, hopefully, if the army ants attack me again, at least I have this slip, so I can avoid the needle and the curtain.


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